Monday, July 7, 2008

What a Man

I was up very late last night working, long after the rest of the family went to bed, and as I slipped into bed after midnight Dan rolled over to pat my back as if to say, "Thank you for your work and sacrifice. I know it's hard sometimes." In the middle of the night Delaney came in and tapped my arm. She had decided she wanted to make a pallet on the floor next to our bed, and I reluctantly got up to help her get situated. I looked at the clock, and it was 3:15 am. I told myself I could still get 4 hours of sleep if I was lucky.

Imagine my groan when Danica woke too early today. I heard her cry out at 5:45 am. She rarely cries, so I jumped into action to get her. Dan is off on Mondays, and even though I never really have a day "off" I would never expect him to get up so early when he could catch some extra sleep. I scooped up my baby and heard her growing tummy grumble. We headed downstairs to make a bottle. A few moments later I heard footsteps behind me and there is my dear husband. I tell him it's too early and to head back to bed. There's no reason for us both to be up. He says to me, "Sugar, Booger, I just want to see if you need any help." As I sit down to feed the baby Dan makes me my coffee and then settles in on the couch to just be there with us.

I have known for some time that Dan is special. The ease in our home surrounding the sharing of household chores, care of the children, sleep and alone time is very rare in young families. This morning I was reminded again how blessed I am to have this man as my husband and the father of my girls.

Thank you for the gift of my Dan and the love and care he showed me this morning.

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