Thursday, August 7, 2008


Over the past month God has brought into my life several people who are hurting and searching for a safe place. As I have fervently prayed for them God has moved in my own heart to remind me of the dark places He rescued me from. If I am honest with myself I have hidden away much of my past because even the people closest to me do not know how bad it truly was. I am still ashamed in many respects but also afraid. Although I have much assurance of God's love and complete forgiveness, I still fear those so ready to judge past scarlet letters instead of rejoicing in the cloak of grace I now humbly wear.

Before my pregnancy I began praying for God to show me how to serve Him. On Monday I had dinner with a friend who is hurting but healing, and I shared with her the stories of the others I know in a similar search for peace. I told her how badly I wished I could provide a haven for them to rest and recover. I realized God was showing me His will as I spoke. Again He was telling me to be faithful right where He has me with the people He has in providence brought into my life. He is encouraging me to be bolder in sharing my testimony and more willing to sacrifice my time and resources to reach those closest and call them to the same grace given freely to me. There is no longer any shame, only amazing love shining through those dark years. I have no cause to be afraid. I am safe in the arms of my Savior.

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