Monday, March 30, 2009

Mighty to Save

This song has been on my my lips for so many reasons these days. I spent the weekend in a town in Virginia where I used to live, a place where I spent the most painful and sin filled years of my life. As I drove the streets of Harrisonburg I saw God's grace to me on every corner and this anthem rang louder and louder in my heart. Is there someone you are praying for tonight that seems just too far gone for God to reach them? He is mighty to save!


Angie said...

"Shine Your light and let the whole world sing! Glory, glory to the risen King!"

I love you. I love what He has done in you. I love what He is doing through you.

Keep shining, my friend. It's a beautiful light.

andy smith said...

I can't help but praise God right now for what he has done in your life, my life, and everyones life that he has pulled out of darkness. I have been reading about intercessory prayer and how we should pray for those who are still lost. I think of the people we grew up with and the ones we met along the way and how can we not love them and pray for them in light of the mercy and grace God has shown us. Thanks for the post Monica! God Bless.

Superhero Mom said...

Such a beautiful post...thank you for stopping by! It is great to hear from you! Praise Him for his saving grace!